The designer behind the bag- and accessory label Jørnsen is Marianne Britt Jørgensen. Marianne Britt has developed a unique collection of handbags and accessories. The bags are developed with a passion for minimalism and a sense for coolness. The collection doesn’t pursue a current trend but seeks authenticity and individual expression in a personal style.
From her studio in Copenhagen Marianne Britt designs all the bags with great passion for shape and detail in a hands on process. Her universe is modern Nordic and her aim is to renew and rethink the shapes and textiles of bags. We believe in quality with a distinct visual expression and hopefully you will enjoy this first collection of Jørnsen.
about marianne britt
Marianne Britt has a bachelor’s degree in textile and industrial design from The Danish Design School in Copenhagen and a Master of Art in footwear design from The Royal College of Art in London.
Beside the label Jørnsen, Marianne Britt is a frequent guest teacher at The Kolding School of Design where she teaches footwear and accessories design. In addition, she works as a freelance designer on several design projects in footwear and accessories design.